Internal Dimensions: Unlimited, Single Vehicle to Multi-Class 8 configuration
Room Design: Modular paneled enclosure, 4″-5″ polyurethane foam insulation, optional stainless steel interior and galvanized exterior
Doors: Vehicle & Personnel Access
Access Ports: Several options available
Outlets: Several options available including 120/220V
Temperature Ranges: -75 to 140°F
Temperature Sensor: RTD or Thermocouple
Humidity Range: 20 to 90% RH
Extended Range: 10 to 95% RH
Humidity Sensor: RH capacitive element
Airflow: Up to 300,000 cfm frontal, side or ceiling mounted plenum
Exhaust: 400 – 1200 cfm standard
Dry Combustion Air Supply: 400 cfm standard
Control: Fully automatic, PLC driven
Control Interface: LabVIEW® software with PC interface